During my 26.2 mile trip from the Peralta trailhead to Apache Junction's Prospector Park, I had ample opportunity to observe the ethnic and social composition of my fellow marathoners. Only two blacks did I spy, an observation in illustration of a general truth: (American) blacks are not proportionally represented at running events. No, I am not hastily generalizing from this one observation. I am illustrating a general truth by giving an example. Generalization and illustration are distinct intellectual procedures. For corroboration of the general truth, see here. And don't tell me that I could observe only the runners that ran near me: I surveyed the whole field before the race began as I walked from the starting line to the back of the pack before the gun went off.
The tendency of liberals will be to conclude that 'racism' is at work, that blacks are being excluded, and will call for a government program to 'level the playing field' to use one of the sillier of their silly expressions. It apparently doesn't occur to these nimrods that certain sorts of people simply have no interest in certain sorts of things.
Here is a piece on U.S. runner demographics. Figures on race are conspicuous by their absence, a fact that reflects the political correctness of the age. There is nothing a liberal fears more than to be labeled a racist, and for a liberal, any mention of race makes one a racist.
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