When I first landed in Arizona, way back in 1991, I noticed bumper stickers that read, 'Do AZ I do.' Well, if you do AZ I do, does that make you a nAZi?
Apparently, Cardinal Roger Mahony, Catholic Archbiship of Los Angeles, thinks so: "I can't imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation." Go read his entire post. It's beneath refutation. Yet another clear proof that the Roman church is on the skids.
I would advise my Catholic friends to consider what you are supporting when you support this church. What matters in life is truth, not any old corrupt institution that claims to have it. You should be skeptical of all institutions, while acknowledging the good that they have done and can do. They are easily corrupted. Like the houses where I live, they either have termites or they will get them.
What you have to understand about religious leftists like Mahony is that they have two religions, their nominal religion and the 'religion' of leftism. And the second usually trumps the first.
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