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Monday, June 14, 2010


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>>Isn't it obvious that truth refers us outside the content of the proposition or sentence?

Yes. 'S says (or states, or asserts) that p' is merely about the content of the sentences itself. 'It is the case that p' is not merely about the content. 'It is the case...' or 'it is true ..' put forward or propose or assert the content itself.

Or: the truth of 'S thinks that p' depends only on the state of someone's mind. 'It is the case that p' depends on something more.

This is consistent with deflationism, nonetheless.

>>If yes, then the equivalence fails. But if you are quantifying over a domain of existents, then the existence of those existents is being presupposed.

Rather, if you are quantifying over a domain of things, then you are quantifying over a domain of things. What you want to say above is already given by the word 'thing'.

>>Or: the truth of 'S thinks that p' depends only on the state of someone's mind. 'It is the case that p' depends on something more.<< That is certainly true.

>>This is consistent with deflationism, nonetheless.<<

No! It is clear that I haven't got through to you.

>>No! It is clear that I haven't got through to you.

I knew you would say that! But why?

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