Here is excellent commentary from Victor Davis Hanson to offset the leftist scumbaggery emanating from Paul Krugman and his ilk with his irresponsible and vile talk of a Climate of Hate. How preternaturally moronic our leftist pals who cannot distinguish conservative dissent from hate! You see, leftists think they own dissent, a bizarre conceit I thoroughly demolish in Does the Left Own Dissent?
Yes, we conservatives have targeted you leftists. That's a metaphorical way of talking. It is evidence of your appeal to the double standard that you have no beef with Obama's "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
And here are some observations by Jared Lee Loughner's philosophy teacher. Apparently, logic didn't do him any good. Loughner, I mean. The Slate writer, by the way, is clueless when it comes to logic. He writes, "A syllogism is a form of argument in which a conclusion is inferred from a set of premises."
Exercise for the reader: explain why that is worthless as a definition of 'syllogism.'
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