Today is Patriot's Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the day of the annual running of the Boston Marathon. My mind drifts back to 1980 and Rosie Ruiz who 'won' that year.
Boston Billy, I see, has a book out. Here is a post of mine from four years ago on Rodgers. It includes a nice inspirational passage from George Sheehan. Remember him?
UPDATE (4/16)
Bill Rodgers comments on the bombing.
Tony H. e-mails: "I wonder if we can now expect Diane Feinstein to introduce a bill in the Senate to ban pressure cookers." I wouldn't put it past that idiot. A typical liberal, for her it is the weapon not the wielder that is the focus of attention.
We ought not not speculate about the identity of the perpetrator or perpetrators. Let the investigation proceed.
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