I was about to write an entry on Rushdie's recent NYT op-ed, but Radosh has done the job and has done it well. Excerpt:
A good example of the old moral equivalence was to equate the Gulag in the Soviet Union, in which hundreds of thousands were imprisoned, starved to death and executed in massive frame-ups, with McCarthyism in the United States. During the so-called McCarthy era, relatively few were imprisoned or lost their livelihoods, and many actually guilty of being actual Soviet agents portrayed themselves as innocents accused because of their political views. Yet the Left in America argued both were the same.
That was indeed the position the Left took back in the days before the the USSR collapsed. It shows as clearly as anything the delusional, reality-denying, character of liberal-left 'thought.' The same delusional cast of mind is betrayed by those who will not recognize the unique threat to civilization posed by radical Islam.
What is at the root of moral equivalentism? Perhaps it is an upshot of the Left's radical utopianism. Utopia, etymologically, is nowhere. The leftist is a Nowhere Man who adopts the View from Nowhere. If you ascend high enough in the sky, earthly differences blur and vanish. When you attain unto Cloud Cuckoo Land (Wolkenskukuheim), all is the same: FDR's America and Hitler's Germany, the USA and the Evil Empire, Christian 'terrorism' and Muslim terrorism.
"He's a real nowhere man, living in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans, for nobody."
"He's as blind as he can be, just sees what he wants to see . . . ."
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