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Saturday, May 04, 2013


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Thanks Bill!

This will help as I study for my final this coming week. We covered this reading in class.

You're welcome, Lisa. Good look with the final.


If the weak thesis is true -- that our lives must seem absurd -- wouldn't it be some evidence in favor of the view that our lives actually are absurd, even if it doesn't entail it? Similarly, moral intuitions don't entail an objective moral order, but I think they provide some evidence for it.


Maybe, but it is tricky. It is not clear what evidence amounts to in a context like this. Is conceivability defeasible evidence of possibility?

I was thinking something like a link between seeming and justification. If, on reflection, it seems to me that X, that gives me some reason to believe that X. This is an extremely general principle that applies to sensory experience as well as the a priori. If it seems to me that it's a tree that I'm looking at, isn't that some evidence that that is a tree over there? Sure, it's defeasible, but it counts for something.

I am skeptical of conceivability implying possibility, but that is neither here nor there.

I wanted you to know that I received a 93% on the final, and completed Philosophy of Religion with Wes Morristion (UC Boulder) with a solid A.

My study partners and I found your analysis of Thomas Nagle very helpful.

Should we call you "spark-notes" from the Superstition Mountains? (*chuckle*)

Well done, Lisa. Glad to be of some help.

Stay tuned, I have a bit more to say about Nagel.

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