The 1963 March on Washington now lies 50 years in the past. Those civil rights battles were fought and they were won. What could be achieved by legislation and government intervention was achieved. Unfortunately, the civil rights movement gradually transmogrified into a civil rights hustle and grievance industry as the original ideals of Martin Luther King, Jr. were betrayed by race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. And now look at the mess we are in. But it was a time of great and inspiring music. Here are some of Dylan's singular contributions.
They Times They Are a' Changin'. A wonderful alternate version by the man himself.
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll. What ever happened to William Zantzinger? See here. The Althouse take on the case.
The Death of Emmett Till. Once again: Trayvon Martin was no Emmett Till!
Chimes of Freedom. Duet with Baez. (Or is it Joan Osbourne?) The Byrd's folk rock version.
When the Ship Comes in. Duet with Baez at the 1963 March on Washington. Clancy Bros. version.
After Dylan did his bit to change the world, the quietist and poet in him won out over the activist and he bid farewell to his past, and, like a quintessential American, moved on down the line.
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