Charlotte Allen, A Tale of Two Trials. An excellent point-by-point rebuttal of (willful?) mistakes about the facts and the law made by the purveyors of the liberal-left 'narrative.'
'Narrative' is a POMO word favored by those who for whom power is the end. For a leftist, truth doesn't matter unless it can be used as a means to the end of power. What matters are those 'narratives' that help forward their agenda. A narrative needn't be true to be a narrative. It is quite in line with Karl Marx's 11th Thesis on Feuerbach, "The philosophers have variously interpreted the world; the point, however, is to change it."
Now compare the sobriety of Allen's piece with the febrile lunacy of Patricia J. Williams', The Monsterization of Trayvon Martin: How George Zimmerman’s lawyers exploited racist stereotypes to justify the fear—and killing—of black men.
Michael Barone holds forth sensibly in
Forget the Old South: Trayvon Martin Was No Emmett Till
In this stupid piece, the author maintains that "No one talks about race." The author, a history professor at ASU, is further proof that the universities have become leftist seminaries. This idiot is being supported by taxpayers' dollars.
To recover from the foregoing farrago of Unsinn, enjoy this outstanding piece by John Lott, Obama's Racial Imbalance.
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