For all of the Affordable Care Act's technical problems, at least one part is working on schedule. The law is systematically dismantling the individual insurance market, as its architects intended from the start.
The millions of Americans who are receiving termination notices because their current coverage does not conform to Health and Human Services Department rules may not realize this is by design. Maybe they trusted President Obama's repeated falsehood that people who liked their health plans could keep them. But Americans should understand that this month's mass cancellation wave has been the President's political goal since 2008. Liberals believe they must destroy the market in order to save it.
Do you get it, now?
Cancelled Policies Ignite Furor
I'm sorry, but I feel no sympathy for the liberals who supported ObamaCare and then were shocked when their premiums skyrocketed. They say things like, "I was all for ObamaCare but I didn't think I'd be paying for it." Well, who did you well-off liberal dumbasses think was going to pay for it? Now that you've been kicked in the balls by reality you might consider getting your heads out of your feel-good asses long enough to start thinking for a change about what this lying left-wing fascist is doing to our country. Most of what he says is bullshit and shuck-and-jive, but he meant it when he spoke of fundamentally transforming America.
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