- Tatto this: Think before you ink. Or this: I think therefore I do not ink. Better: I inked, therefore I did not think. Or the equivalent of: This page intentionally left blank.
- Michael Sudduth, Getting Sober about Survival (1/3). HT: Dave Lull, argonaut nonpareil of cyberspace
- Ed Feser trains his polemical laser upon Jerry Coyne and blows his scientistically shrunken pate 'clean off' as Dirty Harry might have put it. "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword." The pointlessness of Jerry Coyne. Jerry-built atheism
- I take aim at Coyne in these entries: Jerry Coyne on why you don't really have free will; Jerry Coyne on religion as child abuse; The abysmally ignorant Jerry Coyne; Jerry Coyne's modal confusion; More on Jerry Coyne on Free Will
- The church of liberalism must have its demon, and its name is Tobacco.
- Spencer Case writes about testimony in 1000-Word Philosophy, which looks to be a good venue for aspiring philosophers.
- Mike Valle issues a challenge to supporters of Obama on same-sex marriage.
- Howlin' Wolff, the stoned philosopher, is at it again in a scurrilous attack on his moral and intellectual superior, Charles Krauthammer. And the Wolff still hasn't learned how to spell 'Seeger.'
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