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Wednesday, April 23, 2014


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Goodness we were arguing about that even then. Bill, please note that the Powerblogs link gives a 500 (internal server) error.

>>If 'a' occurs two or more times in a form diagram, then no argument of that form has an equivocation on a term whose place is held by 'a.'

So according to you, the following argument

Alexander seized Helen
Alexander did not seize Helen
:. Someone seized and did not seize Helen.

is not of the form

a is F
a is G
some F is G

when 'Alexander' is equivocal. At that time I was reading Lukasiewicz, who is very strong on 'form' being the outward and visible manifestation of a sign. As I understand him, he would say that the 'Alexander' argument does have the same form as the placeholder argument below. This is because the first token of 'Alexander' is spelled in exactly the same way, i.e. has the same letters in the same order as the second token. Indeed, we couldn't even talk about the 'first' and the 'second' token of that name type unless that were the case.

Or do you hold that, when the names are equivocal, i.e. have different meanings, then they are not tokens of the same type. I.e. the first occurrence of 'Alexander' is not a token of 'Alexander', nor is the second. But then how can I even talk about 'the first occurrence' of that name? It's very confusing.

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