From time to time it is perhaps appropriate that we should relax a little the bonds that tether us to the straight and narrow. A fitting apologia for a bit of indulgence and even overindulgence is found in Seneca, On Tranquillity of Mind, XVII, 8-9, tr. Basore:
At times we ought to reach even the point of intoxication, not drowning ourselves in drink, yet succumbing to it; for it washes away troubles, and stirs the mind from its very depths and heals its sorrow just as it does certain ills of the body; and the inventor of wine is not called the Releaser [Liber, Bacchus] on account of the license it gives to the tongue, but because it frees the mind from bondage to cares and emancipates it and gives it new life and makes it bolder in all that it attempts. But, as in freedom, so in wine there is a wholesome moderation.
Sed ut libertatis ita vini salubris moderatio est.
. . .
Yet we ought not to do this often, for fear that the mind may contract an evil habit; nevertheless there are times when it must be drawn into rejoicing and freedom, and gloomy sobriety must be banished for a while.
Amos Milburn, One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer
The Champs, Tequila. Arguably unique in that its lyrics consist of exactly one trisyllabic word.
Electric Flag, Wine. Great video of the late Mike Bloomfield and his Gibson Les Paul in their prime. Definitive proof that a Jew can play the blues.
Canned Heat, Whisky-Headed Woman.
Doors, Whisky Bar
Buck Owens, Cigarettes, Whisky, and Wild, Wild Women
Cigarettes are a blot on the whole human race
A man is a monkey with one in his face
So gather 'round friends and listen to your brother
A fire on one end, a fool on the other.
Ramblin' Jack Elliot's version
Tex Williams, Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that Cigarette, 1947
Commander Cody's version
Etta James, Cigarettes and Coffee
Jr. Walker and the All Stars, Shotgun
Mississippi John Hurt, Stagger Lee
Gene Pitney, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, 1962
Joan Baez, Rock Salt and Nails. "If the ladies was squirrels with high bushy tails/I'd fill up my shotgun with rock salt and nails." This is undoubtedly (!)the best version of this great Utah Phillips song.
Doc and Merle Watson's version
Rosalee Sorrels' version
UPDATE 9/14: Malcolm Pollack recommends Procol Harum, Whisky Train. Joe Odegaard points us to this bluegrass version of Rock Salt and Nails.
UPDATE 9/16: I forgot EmmyLou Harris, Two More Bottles of Wine. I must be slipping . . . .
UPDATE 9/17: Zimmi too has a rendition of "Rock Salt and Nails." Sounds like it's from The Basement Tapes.
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