In case you missed it, 'abrogation' is in effect in these pages. Thus yesterday's fine entry on the No True Scotsman fallacy-- which you really ought to study and think through as opposed to skim -- abrogates and supersedes an earlier effort along the same lines from February 2009 which was a bit sloppy.
You are getting philosophy lessons here, muchachos, and for free! Can you beat that?
This site is entirely pro bono, your bonum and mine. My pledge: No advertising! No tip jar. No money-grubbing. And I say that as a conservative who believes, nay, knows, that the only way to go for healthy societies is free markets under the rule of law.
Why is Mexico such a bloody mess? Lack of the rule of law. See article below. Why did the USSR collapse under its own weight? State control of the economy.
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