By Kevin Myers. The Sunday Times, 11 June 2017. Via Karl White who provided me with the text and who tells me that "Kevin Myers is one of Ireland's most controversial writers." The 'purple passages' are by your humble correspondent.
When that stalwart sceptic of the virtues of mass immigration, Mark Dooley, was invited on The Late Late Show 12 years ago, there awaiting him were those grandees of PC sanctimony, Fintan O’Toole and Shalini Sinha, with the usual taunts. Not long afterwards when I put my toe into these same waters, the then Michael D Higgins TD issued a statement through the Labour Party. “The Irish Times, through Kevin Myers, has, once again, reached the sewer level of journalism . . . The contents of his column today go far beyond his usually crafted cowardice . . .”
Post-Hitlerian European societies have done something almost unprecedented in human history. They have mobilised their cultural defences not against outside threats but against those antibodies that are trying to protect them: almost the sociopolitical equivalent of Aids. Indeed, until very recently, being “racist” or an “Islamophobe” carried a far greater cultural taboo than did seeking to destroy the homogeneity or tranquillity of a society. Hence the crushing silence in Germany that greeted Angela Merkel’s treasonable decision two years ago to admit a million Muslim migrants.
The hijab — the full facial veil — is a public refutation of the norms of our society. After the shocking events across Europe over the past year, it should be taboo. Instead, it is becomingly increasingly common in Ireland, and any attempt to outlaw it would probably be denounced as “racist” — a meaningless term in this context, but no matter: the purpose of language here is not to achieve clarity but moral superiority. As (the now) President Higgins keeps telling us, Islam is a religion of peace.
BV: Myers may be confusing the hijab with the niqab. According to this source, the niqab, not the hijab, is a full facial veil (except for the eyes).
Nevertheless, there is something offensive about Muslims' refusal to assimilate. I myself would have no objection to a female head covering that leaves the whole of the face visible if it were not for the fact that Islam is far and away the main source of terrorism in the world at the present time. If not for that terrible fact, I would support the right to free expression within reasonable limits. But the terrible fact cannot be gainsaid.
And of course there is nothing 'racist' about opposing Muslim manners and mores. You would have to be very stupid not to know that Muslims do not constitute a race of people. So why do leftists sling the 'racist' slur? Because for a leftist it is the smear that matters above all. Hence it doesn't matter at all if the smear has no substance.
Moreover, the Irish media will do almost anything to promote the notion that there is a rough equilibrium between Islamic and anti-Islamic violence. So RTE News reported at length on Wednesday on the shocking affair of a stone being thrown at a mosque in Galway. Yes, a stone actually being hurled at a building, and now live, over to our Galway correspondent: actually, no-one hurt, no-one even hit — but otherwise, goes the implicit message, it’s really six of one and half a dozen of the other. (Was this the same mosque where a couple of years ago, an RTE reporter repeatedly and pontifically addressed the imam as “Your Holiness”?)
No doubt this parity of victimhood is being promoted to prevent young Muslims being “radicalised”, as the expression goes. An interesting concept, this “radicalisation”. A radicalised Presbyterian turns purple and thunders about Popery. A radicalised Catholic attends five Tridentine Masses a day, bawling out loud in Latin while mainlining on incense. A radicalised member of the Church of Ireland will say that you’re probably right when you say there is no God, but evensong is jolly anyway. A radicalised member of the Church of England has two lumps of sugar in her tea, and yes, perhaps even a second fairy-cake. A radicalised Jew beats the bejayus out of his forehead against the Wailing Wall. And a radicalised Muslim?
BV: The man knows how to write.
You see? We’re using words differently, aren’t we? As we must, tip-toeing round the ecumenical garden wherein all religions are held to be equal, the only differences being stylistic. So, naturally, we ignore the poll ICM conducted for Channel 4 last year which revealed 20% of British Muslims approved of the 07/07 bombings in London,which killed 52 people and maimed many hundreds, and that two thirds of them would not report an Islamic terrorist threat to the authorities. Lovely. Lovelier still is that the figures for young Muslims are far, far worse.
BV: One of the puzzles here is how leftists can be so stupid or self-enstupidated. Or maybe they just have a death wish. Do they really think that they, with their pronounced 'libertine wobble,' as I like to call it, which includes their penchant for the unusual and 'transgressive' in matters sexual, will be spared if the sharia supremacists get the upper hand?
We now know that multiculturalism doesn’t produce artistically enriching fusions but, instead, volitional apartheid. In Britain, immigrants have created autonomous Islamostans, often ruled by sharia law and even by the barbaric knife of FGM. There are many dazzling aspects to this, but perhaps the most wonderful has been the utter silence of British feminists, as hundreds — and perhaps thousands — of underage white girls have been groomed and raped by Muslim men, and uncountable numbers of Islamic girls circumcised.
BV: 'FGM' abbreviates 'female genital mutilation' which includes the cutting or removal of the labia and clitoris.
Dazzling but not puzzling since most feminists are hard-core leftists.
So how have we in Ireland responded to the experiences of other countries? Have we said: “No, we will not go that way: we are clever enough to learn”? Of course not! Our political classes have been falling over themselves to proclaim the innocence and the Irishness of Ibrahim Halawi, without asking the larger and more obvious questions about what precisely was he doing in Egypt, and what is the relationship between his family and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Jesus, whom European societies have traditionally revered (until we began instead to worship The New Blessed Trinity of Secularism, Gay Rights and the Welfare State) urged us to turn the other cheek, and suggested that maybe he who was without sin might cast the first stone. Mohammed was a little less wobbly. He had 600 Qurayzah Jewish captives, mostly pubescent boys and men, but also one woman, beheaded. And queers? Why, stone ‘em to death. So how can anyone seriously maintain that two religions based on the words and deeds of such utterly different men are in any way comparable?
It’s probably futile saying this, so powerful is the “anti-racism”, “anti- Islamophobe” mob of prating, Christianity-hating liberals, but I believe that we have no historic choice but to seriously restrict the numbers of Muslims moving to Ireland. Furthermore, facial covering should be rigorously outlawed in all public transport, taxis, schools, colleges, banks and EVERY government building. If the enforcement of such measures means a departure from the EU with its toxic and unreal human rights edicts, so be it.
BV: I salute you, sir. You have what we call here in the Southwest of the USA, cojones, testicular fortitude. Of course you are right. A moratorium or at least a severe restriction on immigration from Muslim lands together with a demand that all immigrants from wherever assimilate and show respect for the host culture is absolutely essential. And obviously no covering of faces in public. That's just common sense.
But also you have to do constant battle with the leftist scumbags who work, wittingly or not, in cahoots with the Islamist invaders.
Jesus preceded Mohammed by six centuries, while Patrick preceded him by two. That wretched, broken entity, “Europe”, might have forgotten its origins: that doesn’t mean we should forget ours."
BV: You need a leader like Trump with the independence and courage to name the threat and act against it, and an outfit like the National Rifle Association. I heard that some bobbies on London Bridge during the attack were armed only with batons. Are the Brits insane?
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