I do not advocate secession. But in these trying times all options must be explored. Professor Williams' Were Confederate Generals Traitors? (HT: Bill Keezer) concludes:
Confederate generals were fighting for independence from the Union just as George Washington and other generals fought for independence from Great Britain. Those who’d label Gen. Robert E. Lee as a traitor might also label George Washington as a traitor. I’m sure Great Britain’s King George III would have agreed.
If a civil war is a war for control of a central government, the U. S. Civil War was not a civil war but a war of secession.
Professor Williams is a black man. There are loons on the Left who will call him a traitor to his race. But one can be a traitor to one's race as little as one can change one's race. The world is not social construction all the way down. To think otherwise is one of the marks of a leftist.
One of the reasons secession is under lively discussion is because we need to find ways to get away from these destructive fools. We need the political equivalent of divorce. The hard questions pertain to the how. I have made the somewhat anemic suggestion of a return to federalism, but there must be other possibilities shy of secession.
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