Required reading. Yes, kiddies, this will be on the final. Conclusion:
It seems to me that anyone who thinks about such matters is bound to agree with Goodhart that citizenship, for most people, is something they are born into. Values are grown from a specific history and geography. If the make-up of a community is changed too fast, it cuts people adrift from their own history, rendering them rootless. Liberals’ anxiety not to appear racist hides these truths from them. An explosion of what is now called populism is the inevitable result.
The policy conclusion to be drawn is banal, but worth restating. A people’s tolerance for change and adaptation should not be strained beyond its limits, different though these will be in different countries. Specifically, immigration should not be pressed too far, because it will be sure to ignite hostility. Politicians who fail to “control the borders” do not deserve their people’s trust.
It's true: liberals are terribly anxious about being pegged as racists and this anxiety blinds them. But there is nothing racist about insisting on the rule of law and the defense of the borders.
Besides, illegal immigrants do not constitute a race of people. Liberals are not stupid, so they must know this, right?
"But Trump's wall is nonetheless racist since the vast majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanic."
Not so. Granted, most of the illegal entrants are Hispanic, but what sane conservatives oppose is not the race or ethnicity of illegal immigrants but the illegality of their mode of entry. Suppose, per impossibile, that England were directly to our south. We would oppose their illegal entry as well.
One good thing about Mexicans, however, is that their cuisine is vastly superior to anything the English have on offer.
Control of the borders is a constitutionally-mandated function of the Federal government. As I said, liberals are not stupid; so they do have the capacity to grasp that when politicians fail to uphold the Constitution, decent law-abiding citizens won't like it. This is perhaps the main reason Hillary was handed her walking papers.
"But isn't the Great Wall of Trump hateful?"
Well, is it hateful when you lock your doors at night, screen applicants to your company, supervise with whom your children associate?
Securing one's domicile is not an expression of hatred of the Other, but an expression of love of one's family.
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