Earlier today I wrote that ". . . the Decalogue is common to the three Abrahamic religions." Then I received a note from Claude Boisson that referred me to Howard Kainz, Islam and the Decalogue:
Just as Islam teaches the reverse of the Golden Rule, it teaches the reverse of the last seven of the Ten Commandments, which have to do with morality . . . .
If Kainz is right, and he may well be for all I know, the argument I alluded to is not affected. My point was simply that the public posting of the Ten Commandments, which are found in the Old Testament, and are common to both Judaism and Christianity, and are therefore not specific to Christianity, cannot be reasonably taken to aid and abet the establishment, let alone establish, Christianity as the state religion of the United States in violation of that clause of the First Amendment that reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . . ."
I am sorry to have to say something so painfully obvious. But liberals, being the destructive knuckleheads they are, need to be hit over the head on a regular basis with simple truths that even they should be able to understand.
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