Very interesting, and not irrational given her age:
In the last few years I have given up on the many medical measures—cancer screenings, annual exams, Pap smears, for example—expected of a responsible person with health insurance. This was not based on any suicidal impulse.
Younger than Ehrenreich, I will continue to exercise what is called 'due diligence.'
Via Rod Dreher who adds his commentary.
Dreher has become a daily read for me. But I have to wonder: how can so prolific a writer and family man have any time left over for the practices of the Ben Op? I mean meditation, prayer, spiritual reading, and the rest. It's easy to get sucked in, Rod. Be careful. This world's a vanishing quantity, not that you don't believe it.
Those who aspire to live well must learn to curtail their consumption of mass communication media.
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