A take-off on a line from Tacitus, sine ira et studio, "without anger and partiality." There is a place for righteous anger as there is for partiality and polemic. Schlichter's rant ends thusly:
You’ve talked and talked and talked about principles, but as James Comey and Robert Mueller and your gal Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit undermined every principle this country was founded on, all you did was clutch pearls about how Trump is icky. This country is in real danger of breaking apart, of actual conflict, but all you can think of is recovering your cheesy little seat on the Beltway bench.
No one’s fooled. And no one cares. Which ought to scare the hell out of you. Because when the liberals figure out that you have zero credibility with us real conservatives, you’ll stop being their useful idiot. You’ll just be a plain old idiot.
Still and all, I retain a soft spot in my heart for Never Trumper Mona Charen.
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