Donald Trump baits the so-called journalists of the lamestream media with his largely, but not entirely, true accusations of 'fake news' and what do the 'journalists' do? They bite. They take the bait.
In their TDS-driven rage they verify the accusations by violating their own professional standards. Well, keep it up knuckleheads! You are destroying what is left of your credibility.
By the way, when John McCain and others accuse Trump of attacking the Fourth Estate they are merely flailing about in frustration. Trump is rendering a salutary service by punching back effectively at the patently biased and leftward-leaning mainstream/lamestream media.
Trump's genius is that he knows how so to needle them that they show their true colors. Or as Dan Bongino rather less delicately put it the other night, "He gets them to pull down their pants and show their asses."
Bongino then went on strangely to remark that he didn't mean the comment literally! No?
The only thing wrong with Trump's 'animal' comment is that it is not fair to animals. They don't have free will; MS-13 gangsters do.
It is clear proof that leftists in high positions in the Fourth Estate are moral scum that they could with impunity slander a duly elected president in such a vicious and absurd way.
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