Jacques writes,
Welcome back to the internet, for better or worse. I have to ask: Do you know if there's anything to the current hysteria over the illegal immigrants' kids being held in 'cages'? I've seen pictures that appear to confirm this and, while I have no problem with illegals being detained or deported, or even separated from their parents if that's really necessary, this does seem wrong to me. Based on long experience with the MSM and the left, I'm assuming there is _probably_ some reasonable explanation for the pictures that are making the rounds. But do you know anything? For some reason there is nothing much about this on the usual immigration sanity sites like vdare. And I assume they would have posted something to clarify or correct the propaganda if they knew anything about it. I'm a bit puzzled and concerned. I want the invasion to stop, but I don't see why that couldn't be done humanely.
As far as I can tell, the leftist propaganda on this issue is just that. Truth is not a leftist value. Leftists are out for power any way they can get it. So one must expect lies and distortions from their camp. The strategy of the Democrat Party is to win demographically by obstructing effective attempts to control the borders and stem the tide of illegals on the reasonable expectation that the vast majority of illegals will support the Democrat Party. That is the Grand Strategy. Trump was elected to oppose it. Because he alone among Republicans has the civil courage to tackle the issue head-on, he is mindlessly despised both by the destructive Left and the Never-Trumper Right.
Again we see that for the Left, the issue is not the issue. Although individual lefties may care about the plight of immigrant children, leftists in general do not. They use the children issue to advance their agenda which is to subvert the rule of law, gut the U. S. Constitution, and advance on all fronts toward their goals.
The following videos credibly rebut the 'caging' and 'child abuse' charge: here and here.
Tell me what you think.
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