Politics for leftists is an ersatz religion.* This fact helps explain both the all-consuming totalitarian intensity of their political engagement and the towering rage they feel for President Trump. They were on a roll with eight years of Obama and the assured expectation of four to eight more years of "fundamental transformation" under Hillary. But insulated as they were from the mood of the country in their leftist enclaves, it came as a terrible shock to them when Trump threw a spanner in their works. And so they lost their minds to the extent that otherwise astute political operatives such as David Axelrod are saying that Trump is literally Nero. Literally!
The leftist is a secularist for whom there is nothing beyond this world.** And yet he is not content with this world but seeks a utopia within it no matter the cost. Communists murdered 100 million in the 20th century alone.
Conservative common sense is therefore a dire threat to the very meaning of a leftist's existence. And so he rages like a loon, or like the raging bull of the HollyWeird Left, Robert De Niro. Or is he a raging dinosaur? In any case this is all he can muster by way of a considered opinion on the president's performance: Fuck Trump!
And the HollyWeird hate-America lemmings cheered and gave him a standing ovation.
*'Ersatz' is an alienans adjective. Thus an ersatz X is not an X but a substitute for an X. It is a mistake to call leftism a religion as Dennis Prager and others do. Full refutation here.
**This is true with some qualifications even for 'religious' leftists. These are typically leftists first and believers second if at all. Thus Bergoglio the Benighted is pretty obviously a leftist first and a Catholic second. Is he too a secularist in the end? I cannot peer into his soul.
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