This piece by Dennis Prager is sure to outrage the Left. Prager takes a step back and uncovers an assumption that almost everyone else is making. The assumption is that IF the young Kavanaugh had groped Dr. Ford in the manner she describes, THEN that would be good grounds for non-confirmation.
But is the assumption true?
Suppose it could be shown that Brett Kavanaugh, 36 years ago, did to Christine Blasey Ford what she claims he did. That cannot be shown, of course, due to a lack of evidence, but just suppose. (And if there is no evidence, then it is absurd to call for an FBI investigation. What would they investigate?) How does a youthful peccadillo nullify the rest of an impeccable life and distinguished career? To believe that it does one would have to assume the following:
a) What a middle-age adult did in high school is all we need to need to know to evaluate an individual’s character — even when his entire adult life has been impeccable.
b) No matter how good and moral a life one has led for ten, 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years, it is nullified by a sin committed as teenager.
No decent — or rational — society has ever believed such nihilistic nonsense.
Now let ME take a further step back.
What is this whole controversy really and fundamentally about? Is it about Kavanaugh's moral fitness to serve on the Supreme Court?
Obviously not. It is not about his moral fitness, but about his failure to meet an ideological litmus test. The Left cannot abide the thought of an originalist/textualist taking over the Justice Anthony Kennedy SCOTUS swing slot. For with Kavanaugh the conservatives would have the upper hand. This also explains why Gorsuch, the Scalia replacement, was confirmed with relative ease.
Suppose Kavanaugh were a leftist who believed in an 'open' or 'living' constitution. Would the DEMS be troubled by the baseless allegation, 36 years after the alleged 'fact,' of a youthful bit of bad behavior? Of course not! They would be protesting with the same sorts of arguments now being used by Republicans.
So let's all try to be honest for a change. What is really going here is an important battle in the war for the soul of America. Will we allow her to be "fundamentally transformed" by the Left or will we preserve her as she was founded to be?
To achieve the latter, the Constitution must be honored and applied in its original meaning. Kavanaugh's is not the originalism of original intent of the Founders, but the originalism of original public meaning.
As for Christine Blasey Ford, she is being used as tool by the Dems for their ideological purpose.
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