'Karen' White is a man sporting a healthy, nature-made penis. In 2003 and 2016 'she' put the organ in question to work in the rape of two different women. So of course 'she' ended up in a women's prison where -- you guessed it -- 'she' sexually assaulted women, not 'women,' women.
Rod Dreher reports and concludes, "The world has gone mad."
No, Rod, not the world, but 'liberals,' 'progressives,' 'leftists,' 'libtards,' whatever you want to call these willfully destructive shitheads who, here in the States, have come to dominate the Democrat Party.
The essence of the lunacy is the denial of reality, in this instance, biological reality.
Philosophy is often dismissed as utterly inconsequential. But the times they have a' changed. We now live in an age in which loony notions once only toyed with in ivory towers are now being implemented to the consequential detriment of real people.
I develop the thought of the last paragraph in When Politics Becomes Like Philosophy.
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