Whatever you say about Jeff Bezos & Co., Amazon's service is amazonianly amazing. I order a book. They promise delivery in two days. It arrives the next day. Would that happen in a socialist shit hole, Bernie? Could a company such as Amazon even get off the ground in such a politically feculent locale as Cuba? You and your ilk didn't build that, Obama.
There ought to be one nation on the face of the earth that celebrates the individual and his liberty. 'Diversity' demands it, don't you think?
Capitalism works. Socialism doesn't. Am I opposed to all government regulation? Of course not.
You say capitalism has its origin in greed? No more than socialism has its origin in envy. More on this topic later.
Enough Facebook for one day. I have done my daily bit in combating the Left and its destructive nonsense. Now it's your turn.
Do your bit. Speak out. Show some civil courage.
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