Destructive Democrats now label the National Rifle Association a 'domestic terror organization.' Mind-mannered Mike of Mesa is a member and receives their publications. His mail man, though, is a flaming lefty. The mail man reports Mike to the government as a domestic terrorist on the ground that anyone who is a member of a terrorist organization is a terrorist. ATF agents break into Mike's house in the wee hours and seize his one and only firearm, a semi-automatic pistol. A year later, Mike is able to get his gun back, but he must pay all court costs.
Not quite Nazi Germany, but getting there.
If Democrats call NRA members domestic terrorists, I call Democrats totalitarian proto-Nazi scum. The difference between the two labels is that my label applies.
Never forget that the Left's strategy is incremental: gun confiscation in violation of both the Second and Fourth Amendments.
The Democrat Party is now a hard-Left party.
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