1. For his agenda. Enlightened nationalism, America first, withdrawal from endless foreign entanglements, control of the borders, upholding of the rule of law, anti-globalism, anti-elitism, etc.
2. For his SUCCESS in implementing his agenda, e.g. SCOTUS appointments, revitalization of the economy, making the U.S. energy independent, etc.
3. For his resolute and relentless undoing of the destructive Obama agenda of "fundamental transformation." For leftists, Obama was a quasi-religious figure who was supposed to 'bring us all together.' By opposing the Obama agenda, Trump became in the eyes of the Left a 'racist' and 'white supremacist.'
4. For his being an outsider and an interloper. He crashed the Republocrat Establishment party, barging in with no political or military experience. He is wholly from the private sector. And despite his wealth, he is a man of the people. Not a professional politician.
4. For his Nixonian lack of class, and what his worse, his extreme crudity, lack of decorum, absence of gravitas, shameless self-promotion, Mussolini-like swagger and braggadocio, vanity, inability to adopt an Olympian attitude of disdain when attacked by nonentities such as the fat and stupid Rosie O'Donnell, endless poorly-written tweets, and so on.
5. For his not being owned by anyone. He is his own man. A billionaire, he can't be bought. He has taken the money out of politics by using his own. Milque-toast pseudo-cons such as John McCain only talked about taking the money out of politics.
6. For his being white, and therefore, to the delusional Left, a 'racist' and a 'white supremacist.'
7. For his being a 'fascist' -- whatever that means - - as was darkly suggested by Madeleine None-Too-Bright Albright.
8. For his incredible success at energizing his base. His rallies are like nothing the Left can muster.
9. For his calling out of the lamestream media for its shameless shilling for the Dems.
10. For his uncanny ability at getting his enemies to show their true colors.
11. For being a doer, not a talker. Not another lawyer.
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