The Left's blind rage against Trump is not primarily because of the man and his personal style, but because of his threat to their agenda. If Trump had Hillary's ideas and policies, and Hillary Trump's, the Left would have overlooked Trump's personal behavior and supported him in the same way that they overlooked the bad behavior of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton. They would have dismissed the Access Hollywood tape as locker-room talk in the same way they dismissed Bill Clinton's much worse sexually predatory actions as peccadilloes belonging to his personal life.
The Never Trumpers, on the other hand, hate Trump primarily because of the man he is, and not primarily because of his ideas and policies. They hate him because he is a crude and obnoxious outsider, an interloper, who crashed their party and threatened to upset their cozy world.
Proof of this is that Trump's solid conservative accomplishments mollify the bow-tie brigade not one bit. Their hatred and mindless opposition is in no way reduced by the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmations, the movement of the U. S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the surging stock market, the replacement of NAFTA by USMCA, the low unemployment numbers, the defense of religious liberty, the beefing-up of border security despite vicious Democrat obstructionism, and so on down the list.
Our leftist pals rage, rage against the dying of the blight. 2020 will give them more to rage about.
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