A strange vibe supervened the other morning during a leisurely meander over the local hills. It was as if the world's volume had been dialed down. Things had become calmer and quieter. Or so it seemed. "An upside of the shutdown," I said to myself.
The typical American's life is frantic, frenetic, and hyperkinetic. For any really good reason? What's the rush? Quo vadis? Whither goest thou, thoughtless hustler?
Meditation the same morning was long and unusually peaceful. The mind-works ground to a halt. I did not want to rise from the mat. After a 70-minute session I did. I reckon that fine long sitting had something to do with the dial-down vibe.
I will speculate further on the improvement of the social atmosphere and its causes. There is an analog of contagion in the spread of attitude.
I do not hide from myself the fact that some will die of the Chinese disease and that many, many more will have their lives and livelihoods wrecked by the politically-motivated draconian measures of the overzealous.
But why not appreciate whatever good presents itself in any situation?
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