No way! He actually fed people.
I came to this witticism via Karl White who got it from someone unnamed. It is too good not to repeat and propagate. So do your bit and spread it around.
You can't battle the Left effectively with just one weapon: the whole arsenal has to be brought to bear. Sweet reason has its uses with some, and the hard fist of unreason with others. Mockery and derision can be effective. And throw in some contumely for good measure.
Don't forget: it's a war. If they win, we lose. They never rest, and so we must be ever-vigilant. Right now the bastards are doing their best to deploy the Chinese virus against Trump and his supporters. Their nefarious actions are legion. One is the exploitation of the crisis to empty the prisons. They had that goal all along; now they can use the Chinese virus as an excuse. Another is to use the crisis to close down the gun stores.
Typically leftist: take the side of the criminal element, and violate the rights of the law-abiding. There is nothing progressive about leftists: an appropriate appellation is 'transgressive.' Open the borders; empty the prisons; violate the Constitutional rights of citizens.
Anyone who identifies as liberal, left, progressive, Democrat must be met with the (defeasible) presumption of scumbaggery: they are to be presumed morally obtuse and intellectually self-enstupidated until they prove otherwise. They bear the onus probandi.
But the presumption is defeasible. Allow those under scrutiny the opportunity to defeat it. Be tough, but fair.
I call this the political burden of proof. My previous formulations of it have been too polite.
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