I gave up Facebook for Lent, but now I'm back.
I offer daily punch-back against leftist loons on a wide variety of topics. Culture critique in the bowels of the Zuckerbergian beast. No lefties need apply. I am looking for a few good men and women to join me in the fight for sense and sanity and the defense of the Republic.
Most linkage and political commentary is now over at Facebook. The idea behind the FB offload is to keep this site free of the polemics necessary in political warfare. As I see it, polemics has no place in philosophy, including political philosophy. The latter is theoretical; politics is practical. Politics is a form of warfare in which polemic and invective have their place. The philosophical opponent is a friend to whom one is tied by a philiatic bond. Theirs is a cooperation under the aegis of a truth that belongs to neither and is above both: amicus Plato sed amica magis veritas. The political opponent is an enemy whose opposition is 'existential.' Must it be so? No, but it is so at the present time. A politics based on mutual respect conducted under an umbrella of common principles and values is unlikely but not impossible.
The Left has to be battled in multiple ways from multiple platforms. So occasionally polemical material will appear here.
I received 'friend' requests from a couple of hotties the other day who proudly strut their stuff and sport their 'racks' on pages including links to their 'nude pics.' Sorry girls, you are not MavPhil material.
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