When it comes to resisting the depredations of the Left, the best tactic is defunding/divestment.
- It's easy: just refuse to give money to your alma mater, say. When their bean counters make an appeal you simply ignore it, or explain why you will not fund opposition to your values.
- It costs nothing. No check to write!
- It is vastly more effective than any verbal protest. Money, or the withholding thereof, gets people's attention. But go ahead and write another blog post or letter of protest if it makes you feel better. It will be ignored by those who need to read it.
- No one, apart from the parties affected, need know about your refusal to play the chump. No worries about getting doxxed or otherwise harassed. But that ineffectual online protest you lodged could cost you your job. People have been cashiered for a Facebook 'like.' I kid you not.
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