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Monday, August 16, 2021


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I don't disagree with much of this.

The solution (on the lines of Fregean sense, but singular sense) is given in chapters 6 and 7, which you must read.

It is on the following lines.

(1) There is a planet called ‘Hesperus’ and a planet called ‘Phosphorus’.
(2) Hesperus = Phosphorus

Proposition (1) is consistent with there being two planets with the different names, and (1) is not false if there is not just one planet twice named. Proposition (1) plus (2) are together false if there is not just one planet twice named. Note the anaphoric connection between the proper names mentioned in (1) but used in (2). You could say that the names have a Fregean sense, but ‘sense’ as Frege would have conceived it.

Contrary to the standard theory of Barcan-Marcus/Kripke, the identity statement (2) provides information, and does not merely state the trivial fact that Hesperus is self-identical.

but *not* sense as Frege would have conceived it.

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