2 November 2021
Cheryl Mott Smith
Executive Director
Gift Planning
Loyola Marymount University
Dear Cheryl Mott Smith,
I am an LMU graduate, class of '72. I am now in a position to make substantial monetary contributions to causes I deem worthy. LMU will not be on my list. As a classical liberal, I oppose the increasingly leftward lurch of LMU since the '60s and its uncritical embrace of the destructive and culturally-Marxist diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda. I stand for free speech, open inquiry, and the pursuit of truth. This retired philosophy professor will not support the transformation of universities into leftist seminaries. I will post this letter online and encourage others to write similar letters. A copy will be sent to the LMU president.
Dr. William F. Vallicella
P. S. After composing the above, this outrage came to my attention.
I hope others will write similar letters to their alma maters. One effective and nonviolent means of opposing the depredations of the destructive culturally-Marxist race-delusional Left is by reducing their funding. You cannot reach them with reasoned discourse: they do not inhabit the plane of reason. But everyone understands money and its withholding.
Speaking out has some value, but one runs the risk of being 'cancelled,' 'doxxed,' and otherwise harassed. But no one needs to know that you are refusing contributions to 'woke-stitutions.' A cute coinage that just now occurred to me. Too cute perhaps.
Cross-posted at my Facebook page where it has snagged 24 likes, 30 comments, and one share, so far.
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