The Left not only exploits real problems for its political gain, it also manufactures problems for the same purpose. COVID-19 is real and so is Putin's war against Ukraine. But both are being used by the left to advance its agenda. We may reasonably differ about the extent to which these unfortunate developments have been and are being exploited by leftists, but no objective and fair-minded observer of the passing scene could deny the fact of the exploitation.
When the Left runs out of real crises, it creates more out of thin air. Our distinguished president recently informed us of the terrible threat posed by 'ghost guns.' Here is a definition from the reflexively left-leaning Brady site:
Ghost guns are unserialized and untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home.
This definition makes no sense. The (proper) parts of a firearm are not firearms. If I buy a kit of unassembled parts, I have not bought a firearm, and if I by a firearm, I have not bought the unassembled parts of one. But I am famously charitable and so I offer the following coherent reformulation:
Ghost guns are unserialized and untraceable firearms the parts of which can be bought online and assembled at home.
Is there a problem here? If there is, it pales in comparison with the problem of our unenforced and wide open southern border across which all sorts of things and people are flooding to the detriment of the Republic. Among the contraband: guns.
You would have to be quite blind not to see that the Biden bunch is deploying one diversionary tactic after another.
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