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Sunday, January 15, 2023


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Winston Churchill, who saved civilization, wrote a 5-volume history of the second world war. The first volume, "The Gathering Storm," is the best, most practical anti-war book ever written, because it shows all the mistakes that people made which resulted in the second war. It did not have to happen. Basically, the elites let evil get a head of steam, and did not stop it when it would have been easy to stop it. The lesson is universally applicable. Plus, Churchill writes well, and the book is a page-turner. I have read my copy 3 or 4 times, and have written many notes in it.

Ascetical Homilies of St Isaac the Syrian
Fifty Spiritual Homilies of Saint Macarius the Egyptian
The Philokalia (5 vols.)

Yes, the Philokalia. Especially Evagrios Pontikos.

For what it's worth, if anything:

1. I think An Introduction to Christian Philosophical Theology: Faith Seeking Understanding by Stephen Davis & Eric Yang is a good place to start that's both intelligent reading as well as shouldn't prove too time-consuming; it should be achievable to read in short compass in thrice-weekly 30 minute increments. The aforementioned book likewise references many ancient and modern classics which are worth reading and re-reading in their own right (e.g. Augustine's Confessions, Anselm's Proslogion, Alvin Plantinga's various works).

2. I have a mild interest in and enjoyment for Christian apologetics so I'd wish to recommend the following as well: Apologetics by John Frame; The Mystery of the Trinity by Vern Poythress; Why Should I Believe Christianity? by James Anderson; and Confessions of a French Atheist by Guillaume Bignon. All these men are fine scholars (theologians and/or philosophers) in their own right. I believe many of Frame and Poythress' works are available to read for free via their website.

For a small book in the mystical tradition, I'd recommend "The Pocket Meister Eckhart"

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