Statistics on crime in Sweet Home Chicago. "Illustrating Chicago values." By cops, for cops. Fascinating analyses of shot placement, etc. Where do Chicagoans get shot? How many in the face? How many in the head but not in the face? How many in the chest, the buttocks? Useful information if you plan to sally out onto the mean streets of "that toddlin' town." It turns out that it is statistically better to wear a helmet than to cover your ass. Delightful details on how leftist lunacy can destroy a once-great city.
If you love crime. be sure to vote Democrat! I can't wait to hear whether Lori Lightfoot survives politically. The lovely Lightfoot ordered the cops in Chi-town to refrain from foot pursuit of criminals. But of course! We can't have that. It would be racist!
Further indicators of civilizational collapse aided and abetted by Dementocratic wokery:
1) Ukraine refugee fails to find safe haven in San Francisco middle school.
2) The DFL’s Blackout Bill, requiring that all electricity be produced by wind and solar energy by 2040, has now been signed into law by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Commentary here.
3) Black thug in St. Louis calmly shoots homeless man through the head. The DA, Kim Gardner, is Soros-funded.
UPDATE (3/1). Lori Lightfoot got the boot. So not all news is bad. And this despite her 'wokifications,' being black, female, and openly gay. Dov Fischer:
So Lori Lightfoot counterintuitively has been kicked out with a heavy boot, and we soon blessedly will have heard and seen the last of that apparition unless she appears in a future police bulletin as a crime victim during a Saturday night gang spree in Chicago. She now is the first elected Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose a reelection bid. Still, it seems that 17 percent of the voters in Tuesday night’s Chicago mayoral primary were idiots enough to vote for her reelection. Presumably, the other 83 percent of the Democrat primary voters were racists and misogynists and homophobes, voting against a Black lesbian woman (the “Democrat Trifecta” or the “Progressive Hat Trick,” your pick).
[. . .]
Or consider how Mayor Lightfoot campaigned: “I’m a Black woman and, let’s not forget, some folks frankly don’t support us in leadership roles.”
Yeah. Also some people frankly don’t support morons who lead a once-great city into the dungheap of murderous crime. In 2021, under Lightfoot’s enlightened footwork, the city suffered the most murders it had recorded in a quarter-century. Plus 3,651 shootings — comprising 1,415 more than had occurred only two years earlier. Chicago had more homicides that year under Lightfoot than any other city in America.
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