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Thursday, June 22, 2023


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Perhaps the most important line in the clip: “The Left misleads on language because they lose on principle.”

I worry that the wisdom of this line is lost on most people. In my experience, the expressed aim for precise language often invites disapproval: “Lighten up! They’re just words! What’s the big deal? Don’t look for problems where there are none!”

I am glad we agree about this, Elliot. I've been banging on this drum online for the last 20 years. Language matters! He who controls the terms of the debate controls the debate! Etc.

DeSantis in a speech used the phrase "educate not indoctrinate." That's OK as a sound bite, but all education involves indoctrination. I am sure you know what I mean.

In another speech he used 'inappropriate' four times in a row to condemn drag shows and the sexualization of children. That is a misuse of 'inappropriate.' He's a young guy and he talks like he has heard other people talk.

As to language in this battle, the Left must ALWAYS be described as EVIL.

"The evil left." Pair these words every time.

I am in my 8th decade, and I have never seen such evil in my country as I see now.

It is vain to gloss it over.


Yes, language matters, and for the reasons you noted. As I see it, language is important not only for the practical purposes of debate in the public forum but also for moral reasons.

One thing that bothers me about the deceptive use of language is that it often involves the manipulation of persons, bypassing whatever degree of rational autonomy they have and persuading them via heteronomy. For example, the video clip addressed polling which indicates that most people disapprove of the ideology of sexualization. But if these issues are couched in the emotive language of victimization, some who oppose the ideology are thereby manipulated into ‘supporting’ it. Since the ‘supportive’ attitude is based on emotional impulses, it is merely heteronomous -- which in my mind is a false sense of support.

The application of ‘laureate’ for drag appearances is an egregious example of the misuse of language. A laureate deserves to be honored for excellence in creative or intellectual achievement. There is nothing intellectually or artistically outstanding about a drag appearance.

I think you’re right about DeSantis’ misuse of ‘inappropriate.’ The things DeSantis calls “inappropriate” are morally wrong. Calling them “inappropriate” makes them seem to fall into the category of acts such as wearing shoes unsuitable for a hike.

Well, Joe, there's a spectrum on the Left from soft to hard, from contemporary liberals (not to be confused with classical liberals) some of whom you have in your family and some of whom we have in our STS '64 cohort to hard-left wokester subversives and transgressives.

The ones on the soft end are mostly just stupid and/or ignorant whereas the ones on the hard end are more justly called 'evil.'

Will there be a third STS-64 reunion? I don't think so. The country has changed dramatically since 2017.

Elliot writes, >>But if these issues are couched in the emotive language of victimization, some who oppose the ideology are thereby manipulated into ‘supporting’ it.<<

Quite right. Same with 'discrimination.' People think it a dirty word. It is not. Ask them whether they are for discrimination against those who put on drag shows for kiddies, and you know what the response will be.

I see you got my point about 'inappropriate.' Suppose I am invited to a wedding and I show up in T-shirt and running shorts. I am rightly described as inappropriately attired. But if I sexually assault the bride, it is a travesty of English to describe my behavior as 'inappropriate.'

Well, Brother Bill, I hope we do have another STS Grammar School reunion. They are very special.

But yes, much has changed since 2017; those days appear halcyon to me now.

Big changes since then ! Climate Madness ! Pandemic Madness ! Transgender Madness !

Where is all this evil coming from ?

Why can't we slam the door shut on it ?

Because Satan doesn't like the door slammed in his face?

The Left is totalitarian. They want, with respect to everything, to politicize it, racialize it, climatize it, and sexualize it. What have I left out?

They are transgressive, not progressive.

We must not overreact, but quietly prepare. Stay strong. Be of good cheer. Hope for the best while preparing for the worse. Study, pray, get ready. Body fit, mind sound, heart stout, tools at the ready. Long live the Republic!

Brother Bill, you have left out that the evil left wants to steal every scrap of happiness and joy from everyone's life.

My Cousin, Pepito Castruccio, he of the Italian Medal of Honor, and who risked his life to save Jews in WW2, once said to me, and these are his exact words, "People were happy. The communists came in and made them unhappy."

Thus, great thievery; because a life well lived has much, much happiness.

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