. . . but it won't make the madness go away. Still, "Out of sight, out of mind" is a way to peace of mind. But is such peace worth wanting if its price is ignorance of imminent threats to your life, liberty, and well-being? Can you afford to ignore the sheer suicidal insanity of the Left? Examples are legion.
Here is a recent one: Illinois law requires landlords to sell or rent to illegal aliens.
The Republic is on its last legs when law is used both to undermine the rule of law, and to punish productive citizens who accept the risk of buying properties, refurbishing them, and then putting them up for rent or sale.
In California, the Public Utilities Commission has mandated, with COMPLETELY arbitrary measurements, that all new houses have to be "Net Zero Energy." I have quit practicing architecture here.
P.S. my consent of the governed is completely gone.
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Monday, July 17, 2023 at 12:34 PM