Run Ramaswamy against Joe Dementia and it's in the bag. You decide. Less than 23 minutes. VR has an astonishing command of the issues. He has it all except name recognition. But that could change. He is young, brilliant, articulate, a self-funding outsider who is not another professional politician who went to law school, and a 'person of color' to use that asinine expression. All to the good in point of electability.
He is also extremely personable and able to keep his cool even when dealing with a disgusting CNN hack like Acosta. Watch the expressions on the shill's face.
Nomen est omen:
Vivek (or Bibek/Bivek in some regions) is a masculine given name that is popular in South Asia, particularly in India and Nepal. It is of Sanskrit origin and means "wisdom" and/or "conscience". (Wikipedia)
There are only three serious candidates for the GOP nod: Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy. What do those other clowns think they are doing? Pence? What a joke! That nattering nabob of negativism, Chris Christie? Get off the stage and go on a diet. The slob thinks he can gain traction by attacking Trump.
Tucker on Twitter, Episode 17, interviews Ramaswamy.
CORRECTION (8/24). What I wrote above may give the impression that VR did not go to law school. He has a J. D. from Yale.
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