It's a pretty good article until the final paragraph:
I don’t think the election of Donald Trump in 2024, if it were to be allowed, would make any fundamental difference in The System. He couldn’t change it in his first term, and he wouldn’t be allowed to change it in a second. At the same time, I completely understand the desire of many Americans to instinctively support someone who at least appears to be hated by The System.
This is just plain stupid. Did the capture of SCOTUS by conservatives during Trump's first term make "any fundamental difference in The System"? The question answers itself. The overturning of Roe v. Wade would not have occurred had Hillary been elected. And that is just one of Trump's numerous accomplishments. Trump has proven himself as president. If Trump wins the White House in 2024, he will immediately reverse most of Biden's unspeakably destructive policies, the most traitorous of which is the open border policy. He will have the people behind him and the political savvy he acquired in his first term. The filthy Dems understand this, which is why they wage illegal and extra-constituional lawfare against him. But don't take my word for it. Listen to those lions of the law Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, both (unaccountably) still Democrats.
And what's with the last sentence? Trump "at least appears to be hated by The System"? Nothing is clearer than that the oligarchs hate Trump in adamantine fact, as is shown by their willingness to overturn democratic norms to save 'our democracy' in their Orwellian way of putting it.
We need to collect more examples of political defeatism. Here is an old chestnut from Geraldo Rivera. "Build a twenty-foot wall, and the the illegals will show up with a twenty-five-foot ladder." Can you think of others?
Excellent commentary. His hostility to politics is likely a function of his commitment to libertarianism. Sammons apparently thinks radical libertarianism of the anarcho-capitalist variety is, somehow, compatible with Catholicism.
Posted by: Animus Manendi | Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 02:35 PM