Not "The Drifters" version.
Given the pronounced 'libertine wobble' of leftists, it is passing strange that they would support Islamists who are anti-libertine and anti-liberal in excelsis. The loons of the Left appear to have lost their minds so much so that they care not whether they lose their heads.
Tony Flood, who sent me the graphic, remarks, "This is the outward expression of a fifth column movement that doesn't care about any cognitive dissonance we detect. On a brighter note, take a gander at page one of this week's The Militant!"
Socialists make for strange bedfellows, but we need a broad coalition to defeat the forces of anti-civilization. Exciting times up ahead, my friends. I advise investing in 'precious metals,' in a broad sense of the term to include Pb and its delivery systems.
Our decadence and their fanaticism will be our undoing.
Posted by: BV | Monday, November 06, 2023 at 04:45 AM
In the case of 'strange bed fellows'...all will be well as long as you don't turn on the lights.
Posted by: Whitewall | Tuesday, November 07, 2023 at 01:04 PM