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Wednesday, December 13, 2023


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This excellent, revelatory interview of Congressman Clay Higgens by Lara Logan directly relates to this issue of civil courage: https://twitter.com/i/status/1735328799288348931

One further comment: Higgins' comments on January 6th alone make watching the video imperative.

Thanks, Vito, but the thing is almost 40 minutes long! TL;DL. Can you direct us to the portion dealing with civil courage?

The intro by Logan is too long. And why does she have to distract us with the health of her 'lungs'? Yes, I am being peevish, but her credibility is not enhanced, but diminished, by her topside display.

Well, if we leave aside the important revelations of January 6th, those of which Higgins openly speaks and those to which he only alludes because of legal constraints, you could take a look at two brief moments, 5:27-6:30 and 10:53-12:40, which well reflect a civic courage rarely found in the political class.

The "topside display" is, I agree, distracting.

If all of us subscribe to prudence, evil wins.

Thanks, Vito. I just now watched the two segments you mentioned. I will point out to Joe the measured and prudent responses of Higgins: he aims to defeat our political enemies peacefully and within Constitutional parameters. In the second segment one notes how calmly and professionally Higgins dealt with the disruptive punk.

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