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Sunday, December 17, 2023


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Thanks that inspired me to reserve the film version.


"No Mexicans and lots of doilies" too good to miss.

Bukowski’s preface is good writing. I appreciate his genuineness and the clear articulation of what moves him and the palpable love he shows in lauding the things/people that bring that to him. The gift of good writing is being able to convey this, to be able to encode a sense of being, a way of seeing, etc. Genuine writers, perhaps evolving out of their own genuine humanness, can do this with their writing—though, clever monkeys that we are, we have fashioned formulas that match an average that’s tolerable to those unable or unwilling to exercise genuine taste and judgment, and perhaps those that just don’t want to think too hard. Some are better, good even, some are just average but written by excellent wordsmiths whom augment it with the available technics of the medium. The rest is perhaps left to the aesthetics of the reader.

As always Bill, thanks for sharing.

That led me to Bukowski himself, who apparently did some prodigious drinking.

“Drinking is a form of suicide where you’re allowed to return to life and begin all over the next day. It’s like killing yourself, and then you’re reborn.”

I didn't know that there was a film version. Thanks, Oz.


You're welcome. Good comment!

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