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Saturday, February 10, 2024


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Two-tiered system of justice? Inept phrasing? Yeah, probably so, but what should we call it? There still is some "bi-furc" going on...Is it too old-fashioned to just say 'double standard,' or is there a better descriptor?

"Liberty and justice for SOME!" is NOT just semantics! That stirs the Fires of Freedom down in a free man's belly. Why, I know a guy who is, as we speak, checking to see that his powder is dry.

I so appreciated your "What's wrong with illegal immigration" piece--should have said so over there. I've thought it, but never seen it put in writing like you did. Gracias, Mr. Bill, for the good work.

Thanks for the comment, Joel.

'Double standard' fits.

I'm glad you appreciated my assortment of arguments against illegal immigration. Trouble is, it is too late for rational debate. No matter how carefully and calmly we argue against the destructive policies of the Biden Bunch, our political enemies will stop their ears and continue screaming: racist, xenophobe, nativist, white supremacist!

RINOs like Christie and Romney are living in the past. I heard Christie one morning on C-SPAN gassing off about civil discussion and "let the better arguments prevail." Too late for that, pal. Rational debate presupposes common ground, and of that there is now NONE.

It's a war. Time to face reality and get ready.

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