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Tuesday, March 05, 2024


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"Flashing red lights"?
We've been seeing that for 3+ years now...but her description of the candidates is great:

So we have a contest between one candidate who's old, but who's done an effective job and doesn't threaten our democracy. And we have another candidate who is old, barely makes sense when he talks, is dangerous, and threatens our democracy.

And her advice to voters is great...but she got confused and mixed up their names at the end...or something...

Oh, and I was going to say this back a few days when you wrote about topical insanity, but didn't:

"Here then we have an example of topical insanity, an example of a topic that completely unhinges otherwise sane people."
I'm not sure I would trust my life, my wife, or my lunch money to someone who "unhinges" about personal defense/guns/second Amendment...they don't seem to be a benign, leave-me-alone, pacifist-type you might enjoy coffee with. Instead, when they "unhinge," they want to projectile-vomit their lunacy all over you and yours.
"...otherwise sane people"? You're a kind man, Mr. Bill.
Thanks for letting me comment.

I forced myself to watch the Hillary clip. Plenty of people where I live believe all the stuff she's saying, and I think she believes it all too.

But I can't explain why they would believe it.

Now I had better not look at a Hillary video again for at least ten years.


I'm not being kind, I'm being reasonable. Have you ever been treated by a competent medical doctor, nurse, dentist? Most of the people in these professions have untenable views about guns and 2A rights. And yet you trusted these people with your life. If a person is topically insane about one topic, it doesn't follow that he is insane about all, most, or even many topics.

Or consider someone down with a bad case of TDS. We all know people suffering from TDS who are otherwise reasonable and sane. An erstwhile friend of mine, Victor Reppert, is a chess player of near Master strength. He is also a good philosopher, published in the journals, who can think clearly about abstruse topics. But he degenerates to the level of a barroom bullshitter when it comes to political topics such as the southern border. So I 'unfriended' him over at Facebook.

By the way, that is one example of how to cut off a political enemy.

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