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Tuesday, March 19, 2024


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Excellent article about this bagno di sangue remark over at the Spectator:


These are dangerous times.

Scarborough: testa dura, stupido, zuccone

How do you say 'shithead' in Italian, Joe? Testa feculenti?

These whore-shills for the Biden maladmin should be forced to eat pasta puttanesca every night.

These Dementocratic bastards are maximally shitheaded:

>>Team Biden’s utterly moronic web ad equating Trump’s warnings about trade and the auto industry with Charlottesville — which was yet another utterly moronic ginned-up controversy from his time in office — showed how much disdain it has for the American public.<<

And shameless projectionists on top of it all.

These are dangerous times, indeed.

I would translate shit-head as "grullo," which simply means "stupid person." But you can also say "testa di merda," which is the literal translation. But I lived there, and didn't hear that much. They also would say, "terze," which means "third-graders," as in elementary school.


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