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Wednesday, March 20, 2024


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Another termite: Professor Bethany L. Letiecq, and many, many more like him:



Oops, the professor is a 'she.' I should have known. But her article glazed my eyes, & I missed that.

Bill, I doubt very much that the widespread mischaracterization of Trump's "bloodbath" remark was due to lack of intelligence (which is not to deny that Scarborough et al. lack intelligence). They do this all the time, as with "fine people", etc.

Twisting Trump's words in this way is down to malice, not stupidity: they know that the propaganda will be swallowed whole by many of their poorly informed audience, and will have the intended effect.


You seem to have ignored my footnote signaled by the asterisk.

Oh! Guilty as charged. (Was that always there? Yikes.)

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