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Wednesday, April 03, 2024


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I think lines 7-8 apply here.

Yesterday, I read your argument on the evil of felt pain just as I was in the process of rereading some secondary and printed primary sources on the Black Death that first appeared in Europe between 1347 and 1351, inflicting unparalleled human misery and killing something like 50 percent of the population, and that returned periodically with its gruesome, if less catastrophic virulence for the next 300 years. The numerous contemporary accounts of this murderous pandemic and particularly those describing the physical torments of those afflicted by this still—in my estimation—mysterious disease in the days and hours before their deaths concretely capture the veracity of your argument. It is impossible to read them and not come away with the conviction that the horrendous pain that these millions endured was not “positively evil.” This was not, as you put it, “an absence, lack, or privation of something good,” but rather the overwhelming presence of another reality, of evil. We could, of course, make the very argument from the pain endured by a single sentient being, human or animal.

Thanks for the comment, Vito. I am glad you appreciate my point. We will have to explore this is in greater depth as time and energy permit.

Philosophia longa, vita brevis.

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